October 04, 2019
Hamsa DIY - Jason Koons @jason_koons
Protect yourself with this amazing Hamsa design by Jason Koons. The Hamsa is a protective sign bringing its owner happiness, luck, health, and good fortune.
K26 Black Fit Grip Knfie
K4 Swivel Knife
Slant Point Tweezer
Super Sharp Double Honed Blades (#11)
Self Healing Cutting Mat
1mm Hold PUnch
Canson Indigo Blue Paper (98lbs)
Tracing Paper
Rubber Cement
Rubber Cement Eraser
1. Begin my Drawing a Hamsa template on tracing paper. Focus mainly on the outline of the hand, the eye, and the lotus flower leaves. Once the template is ready make a photocopy onto regular white paper. Cut the photocopy out so that it can be attached to the back of blue Canson paper.
2. Using rubber cement, attache the photocopied drawing to the back side of the blue Canson Paper. Work quickly so that the rubber cement doesn't dry while applying.
3. While waiting for the rubber cement to dry, test out some different cutting designs on the tracing paper template.
4. Begin by cutting the details of the eye.
5. Use the K4 swivel knife for longer curved cuts around the eye.
6. Once the eye is cut out, the Hamsa should look something like this.
7. Next, cut the leaves of the lotus flower. Use tweezers to remove off-cuts if needed.
8. Start cutting the fingers next. Try to work as evenly and symmetrically as possible.
9. Find repetitive shapes to cut as fill for the remaining compartments of the Hamsa.
10. Using the 1mm hole punch, add holes around the edges of the Hamsa.
11. The Hamsa can be left alone and framed at this point if desired! If you want to take your artwork to the next level, follow the upcoming steps.
12. Carefully peel the photocopy paper away from the blue Canson paper using tweezers.
13. Cut around the holes on the edge and carefully remove the finished Hamsa with the tweezers.
14. Now you are finished and ready to frame!
Want to see more designs by Jason Koons? Visit his Instagram